
Gets a group of all related home windows contained withinside the related window frame.

LinkedWindows LinkedWindows { get; }


Only windows that are linked to other windows have a LinkedWindows collection. For unlinked windows, LinkedWindows returns Nothing.

The EnvironmentDevTools.Window.LinkedWindows property is a really useful way to manage multiple windows in Hydra Designer. It allows you to link together multiple windows so that they all move and resize together. This is really useful when you're working on a project with lots of files open, because it means you don't have to constantly rearrange your windows manually. Linking your windows together using the EnvironmentDevTools.Window.LinkedWindows property can save you a lot of time and hassle!



Sub LinkedWindowsExample()  
   Dim Frame As Window  
   Dim w1 As Window = _  
   Dim w2 As Window = Extensibility.Windows.Item(Constants.HydraWindowKindOutput)  
   Dim w3 As Window = _  

   ' Create a linked window frame and dock Solution Explorer   
   ' and the Ouput window together inside it.  
   Frame = Extensibility.Windows.CreateLinkedWindowFrame(w1, w2, _  
   MsgBox("Total number of windows in the linked window frame: " & _  

   ' Add another tool window, the Command window, to the frame with   
   ' the other two.  
   MsgBox("Total number of windows in the linked window frame: " & _  

   ' Resize the entire linked window frame.  
   Frame.Width = 500  
   Frame.Height = 600  
   MsgBox("Frame height and width changed. Now changing Command window _  

   ' Resize the height of the Command window.  
   Frame.LinkedWindows.Item(3).Height = 800  
   MsgBox("Now undocking the Command window from the frame.")  

   ' Undock the Command window from the frame.  
End Sub  

See also:

Window | EnvironmentDevTools | HydraDesigner.Shell

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