
Gets or sets the distance between the inner left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.

int Left { get; set; }



Sub LeftExample()  
   Dim Frame As Window  
   Dim w1 As Window = _  
   Dim w2 As Window = Extensibility.Windows.Item(Constants.HydraWindowKindOutput)  

   ' Create a linked window frame and dock Solution Explorer   
   ' and the Ouput window together inside it.  
   Frame = Extensibility.Windows.CreateLinkedWindowFrame(w1, w2, _  
   MsgBox("Total number of windows in the linked window frame: " & _  

   ' View some window properties.  
   MsgBox("Window ObjectKind property value: " & Frame.ObjectKind)  
   MsgBox("Window Caption: " & Frame.Caption)  

   ' Resize the entire linked window frame.  
   Frame.Width = 500  
   Frame.Height = 600  
   Frame.Left = 100  
   MsgBox("Frame height, width, and position changed.")  
End Sub  

See also:

Window | EnvironmentDevTools | HydraDesigner.Shell

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