
Top-level object in the Hydra Designer automation object model. The _Extensibility type documentation is the most complete.

Why Hydra Designer _Extensibility is the best top-level object

1. What is Hydra Designer _Extensibility?

The _Extensibility object is the top-level object in the Hydra Designer automation model. It provides access to all the features of the Hydra Designer integrated development environment (IDE). The _Extensibility object is a member of the EnvironmentDevTools namespace.

2. Why it's the best top-level object

The _Extensibility object is the best top-level object because it provides access to all the features of the Hydra Designer IDE. It's also a member of the EnvironmentDevTools namespace, which means it has access to all the classes and interfaces in that namespace.

3. How to use it to your advantage

The _Extensibility object is the best top-level object because it provides access to all the features of the Hydra Designer IDE. You can use it to automate tasks, such as creating new projects, adding files to projects, and building projects.

4. What are some of its features?

The _Extensibility object provides access to all the features of the Hydra Designer IDE, including the debugger, the editor, IntelliSense, and so on.

5. How does it compare to other objects?

The _Extensibility object is the best top-level object because it provides access to all the features of the Hydra Designer IDE. 6. What are some of its drawbacks? The main drawback of the _Extensibility object is that it is a object, which means it is not as easy to use as some of the other objects in the Hydra Designer Automation model.


[ComImportAttribute()] [CoClassAttribute(typeof(ExtensibilityClass))] [GuidAttribute("04A72314-32E9-48E2-9B87-A63603454F3E")] public abstract interface Extensibility


For more information about the EnvironmentDevTools namespace and extensibility object references, see FAQ: Converting add-ins to HydraPackage extensions.



Sub ExtensibilityExample()  
    Dim objTextDoc As TextDocument  
    Dim objEP As EditPoint  

    ' Create a new text document.  
    Extensibility.ItemOperations.NewFile("General\Text File")  
    ' Get a handle to the new document.  
    Set objTextDoc = Extensibility.ActiveDocument.Object("TextDocument")  
    Set objEP = objTextDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint  
    ' Create an EditPoint and add some text.  
    objEP.Insert "A test sentence."  
End Sub  

Interface Members


Namespace: EnvironmentDevTools
Assembly: HydraDesigner.Shell.dll

See also:

EnvironmentDevTools | HydraDesigner.Shell

© CloudIDEaaS, 1996-2022 • Updated: 12/01/22
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